Ian, male, 3 years old
Very friendly dog. Loves to be with humans. He needs a family.
ARIS ...years old
Aris is 8 years old. He spent more this half age in a cage. He really doesn't deserve this because he is an amazing dog. He is friendly with humans and wants to spend time with them. He is very quiet and obeys to commands. He is a really dog family. Adopt Aris and give him the happy life he never had.
Aragon 2 years old
Aragon. Male, 2 years old. Friendly with people and other dogs.
Alma 2 years old
Alma was found starving in a village, she is currently being examined and cared for, she is very affectionate and suitable for families
Alma wurde in einem Dorf village ausgehungert gefunden, Derzeit wird sie untersucht und versorgt, Sie ist sehr anhànglich und fùr Familien geeignet
Alma is expected to be released for adoption in June
Alma soll voraussichtlich im Juni zur Adoption freigegeben werden
Isabella, female, 3 years old
She is very sweet and friendly. She is looking for a family.